Dr. Pitcairn's Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats
Published by Rodale
September 2005; $18.95US/$25.95CAN; 1-57954-973-X
In the third, revised edition of this groundbreaking text on holistic dog and cat care, Dr. Richard Pitcairn once again outlines his program for helping pets obtain complete wellness, from their puppyhood and kittenhood throughout old age. In this updated edition, he:
- Presents fully revised recipes to reflect products currently on the market
- Reveals information on what consumers don't know about the pet food industry
- Includes detailed information on homeopathic medicine and first aid procedures
- Provides tips on traveling with pets
- Uncovers ways to safeguard the home against toxins -- both inside and out
- Has expanded the Quick Reference section to include today's more common ailments
For more than 20 years, this classic guide has been equally invaluable to both veterinarians and pet guardians alike. Make this your first choice in raising your pet in the most natural and healthy way possible.
The following is an excerpt from the book Dr. Pitcairn's Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats
How to Give Your Pet a Quick Checkup
Your animal might be in poor health without your realizing it. Perform this brief exam to get a much better idea of your pet's actual state. If any of the exam symptoms are apparent, then resolve any concerns that arise by consulting your vet.
1. Does the hair coat feel greasy? Is the skin color a normal gray-white or is it pink or red with inflammation? Do you see dandruff-like scales of dead skin among the hairs?
2. Use your fingers to brush the hair against the grain. Do you see numerous little black specks? These are the excreta of fleas.
3. Now smell your fingers. If the odor they picked up is rancid, rank, or fishy, it's a sign of poor health.
4. As you examine the eyes, check for matter in the corners. Pull down the lower eyelids so you can see the underside. Are the lids red inside or irritated on the edges?
5. Look into the ear holes. Do you see a lot of wax? Do the insides look oily? Sniff to check for an offensive odor.
6. Inspect the gums for a red line along the roots of the teeth. To check the back teeth for that red line, raise the upper lip and push back the corners of the lips at the same time (it is not necessary to open the mouth).
7. Now check the teeth themselves, including the back ones. Are they gleaming white or coated with a brown deposit? Does the breath smell okay or are you overcome by it?
8. Last, feel the backbone in the middle of the back and run your fingers back and forth (sideways) over it. Do you feel definite bones there? Is there a prominent ridge sticking up in the middle? If your answers to these questions are yes, your animal is much too thin.
"The third edition of this 'landmark' text is welcome and will take up space on my bookshelf, as well as the bookshelves of many of my colleagues and clients." --Carvel G. Tiekert, DVM, founder, American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association
"If you want your dog and cat to live a longer, healthier life, then this easy-to-use and well-researched book is a must for you."
--Christina Chambreau, DVM, holistic veterinarian
"Dr. Richard Pitcairn again demonstrates why he is so respected in his field. This book should be required reading for anyone seeking true, lasting health for their animals and will continue to be a must-read for my clients."
--Larry A. Bernstein, VMD
"For many of my clients, Dr. Pitcairn's book is their trusted holistic health guide for their canine and feline companions' needs -- a must-read for those embarking on the worthwhile journey towards restoration of their pets' health and happiness."
--David Evans, DVM, Natural Care Clinic for Pets
Richard H. Pitcairn, DVM, PhD, opened the Animal Natural Health Center, a clinic offering only holistic animal care, in 1985. Recently retired from practice, he teaches post-graduate courses in homeopathic medicine to veterinarians.
Susan Hubble Pitcairn was a major contributor to the first two editions of this book. As the third edition goes to press, she is splitting her time between artistic pursuits and the support of positive social change.
Copyright © 2005 Richard H. Pitcairn, DVM, PhD, and Susan Hubble Pitcairn
Reprinted from: Dr. Pitcairn's Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats by Richard H. Pitcairn, DVM, PhD, and Susan Hubble Pitcairn © 2005 Rodale Inc. Permission granted by Rodale, Inc., Emmaus, PA 18098. Available wherever books are sold or directly from the publisher by calling (800) 848-4735 or visit their website at www.rodalestore.com
For more information, please visit www.drpitcairn.com
By Buzzle Staff and Agencies
Published: 8/8/2005
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