Dog Pregnancy Symptoms: How To Spot Them
Dog pregnancy symptoms may vary in respect of breed. In this article you will read what are the general dog pregnancy symptoms common for every bitch. You will also find out how to take care of your dog if the pregnancy symptoms are positive and where to sell or give away for free your puppies with guarantee of its safety after.No matter if your bitch is small or big – these are the general symptoms of pregnancy common for every breed:
First 4 weeks
1)At the beginning of gestation main changes you will notice in your dog's behavior. Your bitch will be more sleepy, more calm and quiet, looking for more hugging, wanted to be much much more cuddled than usually.
2)Your bitch may have (but it is not obvious) so called morning sickness as well. But remember that it is only a name of this symptom and you may find her vomiting also in the evening.
3)Be also suspicious if you observe your bitch being more aggressive towards other dogs than normally.
4)Your bitch will also loss her appetite at this stage, but do not be worry, she will eat much more later on her pregnancy
5)From physical changes you may observe her nipples being bigger and the area under her nipples looking like buttons. Very often the nipples looking like this are called "button nipples".
After the 5th week
1)You will notice her belly swelling a little bit. Her belly will be for sure firm – not fat. Depending on quantity of puppies in the litter her belly will be swelling clearly for small dogs with many puppies and slightly only for big dogs if there is 1 or 2 puppies in the litter.
2) Regarding behavioral symptoms you will observe your dog being much more comfortable than usually.
3)From the 5th week your bitch will start eating more so do not be surprised when she will be asking you for extra food. If you see that your bitch wants more food do not be angry and surprised but check other pregnancy symptoms:)
4)In the result of increased appetite your dog will gain weight and you will see her fatter in a few weeks.
About 2 or 3 weeks before the labor
1)At this stage it is possible to feel the puppies movements. If you can feel your bitch's puppies moving inside her belly than there is no doubts that she is pregnant:)
2)You may spot lactation symptoms, but do not worry if your bitch do not have it at this stage. For some dogs lactation starts only after delivery.
Just before the labor
There are 2 sings that the delivery is coming:
1)Temperature of your bitch decreases significantly
2)You will see your dog extremely restless. Her full attention will focus on preparing the place where she is going to deliver her puppies
Does your dog indicate the pregnancy symptoms given in question above? If yes and you didn't plan this and you completely do not know what to do now - do not worry. There are a lot of books how to take care of the bitch during her pregnancy. The one I would truly recommend is Learn How To Breed Dogs For Profit. It is the only e-book where you will find how to look after your bitch when she is pregnant, how to help her during delivering and how to take care of her puppies these first days.
How To care for your new litter
and a whole bunch more.
No matter if you planed your dog pregnancy or not – this e-book is advisable for every "future mother or father". It is easy to use and easy to understand because of her everyday English language. You will find there incredibly handy knowledge.
With this e-book you will get even more information than you need – when you learn how to breed your pregnant dog then maybe one day – if not now – when you decide to make a profit by breeding you will have the whole knowledge just at your fingertips:)
When your puppies are finally born and you have no idea what to do with all of them you may sell them or give them away for free on this website: Sell Your Puppy. This is very credible place to find good parents for your little doggies and you may even make an extra profit there – if you of course want to sell your puppies..
By Aleksandra Zurakowska |
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