
Tips for Traveling With You Canine

Tips for Traveling With You Canine

If you are planning a trip with you dog read this article for some helpful tips.
Traveling with a dog can be tough. Dogs can experience apprehension, over-excitement, dread, nausea and downright fear when they are forced to travel. Some dogs actually are nomadic in nature, and so might love to travel, but bark at people or other animals, are restless, or attempt to escape while traveling. Planning your trip carefully will enable you to relax and enjoy your trip more fully, and enable your dog to be secure and happy for the duration of the ride.

It is always wise before traveling to have your dog seen by a veterinarian. This is especially true if you are traveling across state lines or into other countries. Your vet will check for illnesses, injuries or conditions that might preclude your dog from travel. Upon request, your veterinarian will provide you with a certificate of health, and a copy of your dogs’ Rabies vaccination. These documents are necessary to gain entry into other countries. While receiving vaccinations, you should also ask your vet to vaccinate your dog against Bordatella and parvovirus, as some areas that you may be traveling to may have outbreaks of either or both.

If you will be flying with your dog, it is vital to have a clear understanding of the airline’s regulations concerning dogs. Most airlines insist that you use only airline-approved travel crates, that your dog’s documentation be posted to the side of the crate, and that the crate have 24-48 hours worth of food, and any needed medications. Beware that a large percentage of airlines have the 80 degree rule: if the temperature at any point along the flight is projected to reach eighty degrees or higher, your dog will not be permitted to fly.

Traveling by car with your dog can be a lot of fun. Ensure that you have all documents related to your dog on hand. Whenever traveling, be certain that your dog has a sturdy collar on, with at least one identification tag, and one registration or medical tag. The smart thing for both you and your dog while being transported in a car is for the dog to be secured. This prevents injury to the dog should you have to stop abruptly, and it prevents the dog from becoming airborne and smashing into you. It is not recommended that a dog ride in the back of a pick-up truck unless he is in a crate that is secured to the truck itself. Never leave a dog in a hot vehicle or crate.

Remember that when in the car, your dog should not be allowed to thrust its head out the window, as airborne particles of any nature could cause severe injury to your dog’s nose, eyes, or ears. If your dog is a nervous flier or rider, you can obtain sedatives that aid in keeping your pet calm and cozy. Throughout the entire trip, make sure to help your dog feel as comfortable as possible; bring their toys and bedding with you, and adhere to their otherwise normal eating, exercise, and bathroom routine.

Do your research- educate yourself on places you may be able to visit with your dog, and also the places that you cannot. Some state parks, for example, do not allow dogs to be admitted. Many hotels, however, are quite pet-friendly, and will even make special accommodations for your dog.

Make certain that, when traveling with your dog, you take frequent breaks. Dogs need to stretch and take time out from being cooped up in the car, just like you do.

Geoffrey A. English is the Founder of Gundogs Online, the internet's premiere online magazine dedicated to bird dogs. Visit their site for more information on training bird dogs and training collars including a wide variety of shock collars, dog fences, and much more.

By Geoffrey English

Dog Breeds - Which One is Right for You

Dog Breeds - Which One is Right for You

If you are thinking about making the commitment of getting a dog, read this article to help to decide which breed is good for you.
Some people choose a particular dog breed because they like the way it looks. Appearance is only one of many factors you should consider. Here are some tips to help you find the right breed for you.

Identify your needs and lifestyle before you start looking at puppies.
Answering these questions will help you choose a breed that fits your family's lifestyle. Do you have children? What are their ages? Some breeds do well with young children and others don't. Do you have a home or an apartment? Some breeds need room to roam, some are couch potatoes.

Is your yard fenced or will you have to take your dog for walks? You might not want to walk a huge dog several times a day. How much time can you spend with your dog? If you're gone most of the day, choose a breed that doesn't mind being alone for long periods of time.

Are you an active person or a couch potato? Be honest. Do you spend a lot of time outdoors? Choose a breed that matches your energy level. Where will your dog be spending most of his time? Outside or inside? If outside, make sure the breed you choose can handle the temperature changes in your area.

There are many factors to consider when looking at dog breeds. Once you've identified your families needs, it's time to start researching breeds. One caveat: Breeders raise a particular breed of dog because they love that breed. They truly believe that their breed of dog is the best. Do your research before you visit a breeder.

How do you find the perfect breed for you? Armed with your family's "lifestyle profile", read and research breeds that interest you. Here are some important points to consider:

How big will this dog get? Look at height and weight. Even though a Bulldog is short, it can weigh 50+ pounds as an adult. Can you lift a 50 pound dog? Perhaps you think a little dog would be the perfect choice for a family with little kids. Maybe not. Small dogs have small bones that are easily broken if stepped on. Dog breeds come in every shape and size. Find one that fits your needs.

Hair and Grooming
Do you want a long-haired or short-haired dog? The amount of grooming each breed requires varies greatly. On one end of the spectrum you have the easy care coats. These breeds need an occasional wipe down with a damp cloth and a bath once or twice a year. On the other end, you have coats that need extensive grooming and care. Afghan Hounds, for instance, require daily grooming. From the time an Afghan puppy is 8 weeks old you can expect frequent baths, cream rinses and daily brushing to prevent tangles. Most dogs fall somewhere in between. Decide how much time and money you want to spend on your dog’s grooming needs.

Energy level
How much exercise will your dog require as an adult? Will a game of fetch be enough to wear him out? Some smaller breeds are easily exercised indoors. Dog breeds are separated into groups. Breeds in the Working and Herding groups, for example, are usually high energy and require lots of exercise. This is not the rule, however, so be sure to read everything you can about your chosen breed.

Doing your research before you shop for a puppy is the easiest way to minimize frustration later on. Now you can be sure that you and the breed you choose are a good fit for each other.

Geoffrey A. English is the Founder of Gundogs Online, the internet's premiere online magazine dedicated to hunting dogs. Their site has a great supply of dog training supplies from Tri-tronics, Innotek, and Dogtra.
By Geoffrey English

What You Should Know About Feeding Your New Best Friend

What You Should Know About Feeding Your New Best Friend

Do you know the best food for your new puppy? This article will explain about some of the nutritional needs of your new pet.
You just brought home your new puppy, now, what should you feed him? There are a million types and brands of dog food, from canned to kibble. How do you know how much you should feed your puppy? For medium to large size puppies, they need to be fed a well balanced, quality, dry, puppy formula, 4 small meals a day, up to 4 months of age. They are growing so fast and using up so much energy, they need to be refueled frequently. From 4 months to 8 months of age, they should be fed 3 meals a day, and from 8 months to 12 months, feed 2 times a day. If puppies are started on dry kibble from the time they are weaned, they will have no problem eating dry puppy food.

Treats can be given in moderation, especially small treats for reward during training. Table food and leftovers should be avoided, although the occasional piece of apple or carrot is okay. Certain foods are not safe for puppies or dogs to eat. Most people know chocolate can harm dogs, but raisins, grapes, onions, garlic and certain nuts are also harmful.

It is important for large breed puppies to be fed a dry puppy food specially formulated for large breeds. Also, do not overfeed your puppy to increase or speed growth. This is especially important for large breed puppies because rapid growth causes improper skeletal development, which leads to bone and joint problems. A slower, steady growth rate is better. You should not encourage your puppy to become an oversized adult to make him look more impressive.

There are some key ingredients important for your pups diet. DHA, which is a fish oil has been shown to promote faster learning in puppies. Protein is important for muscle, skin, coat and organ development. Calcium and Phosphorous are needed in the proper ratio for teeth and bones to grow correctly. Omega-3 fatty acids help develop a healthy immune system.

Dogs do not naturally produce all the nutrients they require so a quality dog or puppy food is crucial for healthy growth and development. An all natural, human grade pet vitamin is also beneficial because it provides an important digestive enzyme lost during the processing of dog food. A quality pet vitamin also provides Essential Fatty Acids not produced in the body. A good pet vitamin also helps protect against allergies and immune disorders, such as Irritable Bowel Disease.

With the proper care and nutrition, your puppy will grow to be strong and healthy. You will be able to enjoy your new best friend for a long time.

Joseph M. Sabol is a world class Doberman breeder. Please go to http://petvitamins4u.com or to http://theroadhousedobes.com for further information.
By Joseph Sabol

Free Dogs and Puppies - Not Impossible!

Free Dogs and Puppies - Not Impossible!

Finding free dogs and puppies is not impossible. With a few simple ideas, I will show you how you can find that special pet that you have been seeking for quite awhile.
Are you actively looking for free dogs and puppies? Finding free pets is not impossible and I will outline a few ideas that may help you find exactly what you are seeking. I presume that you are looking for a free pet because you want companionship that a pet can provide but your economic situation makes purchasing a pet difficult or impossible.

You should know that you can adopt a pet from your local human society at a very reasonable rate and if you have difficulty with the fees, some places offer financial assistance. One thing that you have to remember though is that once you get a pet, regardless of the initial price, food and medical care can be a burden if you have little money.

One of the best places to find free dogs and puppies online is at Craigslist at www.craigslist.org. Find your city and in the "community" section click on "pets" and you will end up at the pet classified ads page. The majority of people are trying to sell pets in this section but on a consistent daily basis you will see adds about free pets.

There are all kinds of reasons people will give away free dogs and puppies. They might be moving into an apartment building that will not allow pets. It's possible they may have a dog that just gave birth to a litter of puppies and they don't have enough friends who want a new pup. Just read the classifieds and you'll find out all of the unique and varied reasons why people are giving away a pet.

The enormous number of visitors and advertisers on Craigslist makes finding free dogs and puppies relatively easy. If you don't find the exact dog or puppy you want advertised for free then take the opposite approach and place a free ad on Craigslist. Specify that you would like a certain breed of dog or puppy and explain the reasons why you cannot pay for the pet.

People have a lot of empathy in the pet community and you will be surprised at all the replies you will get to your ad seeking a free pet. It is important however that you are realistic in your ability to feed and care for a new dog or puppy before you set out to bring a new pet into your family household.

To learn more about free dogs and puppies and learn things related to training puppies and dogs, including behavior problems, from an expert in the field, please visit: Free Dogs And Puppies.
By Anthony Pace


Barking While Driving: 3 Simple Solutions To Keep Your Dog Quiet

Barking While Driving: 3 Simple Solutions To Keep Your Dog Quiet

Is your dog barking while you're driving? Get 3 simple solutions to keep your dog quiet in your car.
If you own a dog that loves nothing more than to bark incessantly while riding with you in the car, then you probably understand just how frustrating and annoying this habit can be.

Dogs become very territorial when they are inside of a moving vehicle and all of the thousands of moving objects outside of the window can pose a threat to your dog's mind. As soon as he spots somebody walking on the street, he barks! Then his head turns, and he sees a bunch of tree branches moving from the wind, he barks! As soon as those objects are passed, every car he spots, he barks at them all. This goes on and on, and... you guessed it, on forever!

The first reaction dog owners typically have at their barking dog is to yell at the animal to stop barking. In order to quiet your dog down, the only thing you can think of shouting is "SPARKY, STOP THAT BARKING!!!"

Unfortunately, yelling at your dog will only add to his excitement and anxiety of whatever it is he is barking at. By yelling with a loud voice, your dog will interpret that as you reinforcing his behavior. The louder you shout at him to stop yapping, the louder his barking gets.

The Proper Way Of Handling The Situation

The good news is that you can almost eradicate your dogs barking behavior completely with a little time and training. Here are some tips to get you going:

1. The first thing you should do is be the role model of the behavior you wish your dog to have. In other words, if you would like your pet to chill out and stop barking so much inside of the car, keep calm yourself and maintain a quiet, relaxed atmosphere. This is especially important when your dog starts to get excited and begins barking. Trust me, you'll be surprised at just how well this works.

2. To better enforce the rules of barking, do not be afraid of using the old trusty water squirt gun. Most animals cannot stand the feeling of being spritzed in the face with water. In fact, this is a great training tool for many situations. When your dog starts barking like crazy, a few shots of water right in between the eyes is enough to make even the largest of dogs to completely stop whatever it is they are doing and eventually associate that behavior with the unwanted feeling of being sprayed in the face.

3.A third solution that works well is to place your dog inside of a crate within the car whenever you need to drive somewhere. A crate will allow your dog to sit comfortably inside of your vehicle, yet it sets limitations of what he can see and smell from the outside. This may be difficult for larger dogs, but for small and medium-sized dogs, a crate can do wonders when it comes to barking incessantly while driving.

Daniel Waser is a dog lover since his childhood and currently owns two dogs. Visit his website for more information about dog health problems or get his free dog training tips.
By Daniel Waser

Effective Ways to Cure Ear Infection For Dogs

Effective Ways to Cure Ear Infection For Dogs

The correct and easy way for you to cure dog's ear infection.
Ear infection for dogs is a common problem but there is no need to slack off or completely ignore it. Even if it appears to be a simple case of infection, there is a possibility for the infection to develop into a more serious, even life-threatening condition. So take note of tell tale signs of your dog experiencing any form of irritation on its ear.

Before going into details as to how to cure ear infection for dogs, let us first consider how our pets contract this type of infection. Because dogs' ears are configured in such a way that the parasites and moisture are trapped by the interior canal, they are more prone to allergies and bacteria. Plus, ear wax and bacteria slowly builds up which can cause real damage to your pets' ears.

As soon as the dog experiences irritation, they tend to scratch the earflap which puts them in a higher risk of attaining more ear damage. Also, it can cause an excessive swelling on the dog's ear once it failed to be treated. Among the common signs are when your dog scratches their ears more often than usual, or if they rub it against your carpet, furniture or other objects. You may also notice that your dog's ears are red or swollen, or when they emit a foul smell.

When you have detected the following symptoms or signs for an ear irritation on your dog, it is best to consult with your veterinarian right away. This will help ensure that proper diagnosis and treatment is applied for your dog's infection. Meanwhile, having your pet examined will also help the vet prescribed the right medication or antibiotics, whether it be topical or oral.

Aside from what your pet doctor has prescribed, you can also follow a handful of home remedies that are effective as well. If the dog's ear has a pink brownish wax in it, then it could be caused by a yeast infection. To treat that, acetic acid or vinegar as a cleaning agent. You may also put a few drops of olive oil onto the dog's ear canal to prevent further infestation of ear mites, or an herbal mixture with mineral oil can keep bacteria and fungi from spreading.

Once the ear infection has started, you can give your dog doses of vitamin C to relieve the inflammation inside the ears. If you are unsure how this is done, or is afraid that you might hurt the dog in the process, you can get your vet to do it for you.

Several over the counter medications are also available such as antibiotics and other flea control treatment that your vet would normally prescribe for your pet. However, you must be aware of any side effects that might occur, depending on how the dog reacts on the treatment received. So, you have to be extra careful before choosing oral treatments or drugs for your pet.

No pet owner wants to see their pets suffer; therefore we should take the initiative to care and look after the needs of our pets. Ear infection for dogs is one of those cases that should not be neglected if you do not want to inflict more harm to your pet's health.

To learn more about ear infection for dogs and the different types of cheap pet meds for your dogs, cats, horse, etc., and how to get discount and cheap pet medications, make sure to visit http://www.callpetmeds.com where you will find everything on getting quality yet affordable pet medications as well as tips on how to take care of your pets like the experts.

By Paul Kramer

Cure Dog Ear Yeast Infection Fast - Dogs with Yeast Infection

Cure Dog Ear Yeast Infection Fast - Dogs with Yeast Infection

Jan was seeking a cure for dog ear yeast infection and found it online when she got no help from her vet nor other remedies of yeast infection she was using. Read the story of Archie, the English Bulldog and how he got his dogs ear yeast infection cured.
Do you own an English Bulldog like Jan does? His name is Archie and he is the cutest dog you could ever see. However, Archie had a dog ear yeast infection and it made Jan sad to see him like that. She tried to give him a medicated shampoo bath with Chlorhexiderm about three times each week and rinse him off with apple cider vinegar, which she mixed with one part water.

Archie was still scratching ferociously, so Jan decided to change his diet. She gave him a different brand of dog food, but that did not work either. She decided to take him to the vet and of course, the vet told her what she already knew – that he his immune system was depressed and he had an anti-fungal bacterium that was causing the yeast infection.

Jan went home disappointed because all the doctor gave her for Archie, her beloved bull dog, was a bunch of medicated drugs. Anyway, was so desperate that she wanted to try anything that would remotely work.

Of course, the doctor’s prescribed drug for Archie, which she put in his food, did not work. Jan was running out of options and did not know what to do.

She went on the Internet to do some research on her own. She went from site to site and could not find anything until she stumbled accidentally upon Bulldog Health and not only was that a good find, but the site dealt specifically with English Bulldog Health and Archie was that exact dog breed. She scrolled down the page of this website and it was as if the person was directly talking to her:

Does your bulldog have different kinds of health problems that your vet cannot cure?
Are you having feelings of helplessness when you watch your bulldog suffering from this kind of skin problems?

Do you have constant worry at nights when you think of the possibility of losing your pet to yeast infection issues or other medical issues that you don’t know about?

I couldn’t believe that this person was reading my mind, Jan thought. The most important thing about this website was that it covered not only dog ear yeast infection, but other health issues that Archie may have in the future and has had in the past.

Jan was so elated and to think that she never really liked to buy stuff on the Internet. She did not hesitate to get this information that would get Archie back to his old playful self and back to being healthy. It took about four days for Archie to be back on his feet and being the lovely animal that he had become to her and her family.

By Cheryline Lawson


The Health Benefits of Water for Dogs

The Health Benefits of Water for Dogs

Everyone knows water is necessary for life, but did you ever stop to think of all the benefits it actually provides? It is crucial for many aspects of our health as well as our pet's health.
Hurricane Katrina not only saw the survival spirit of humans, it also showed the resilience and the survival instincts of animals, especially those pet dogs that pet owners left during the massive evacuation. News about rescuers finding skinny dogs stranded for several weeks on rooftops shocked many people, especially the animal lovers. How did these dogs survive the daily struggle without food? Water was the only thing that kept them alive.

Veterinarians explain that water is an important part of the dog's nutritional needs. Three quarters or 70% of the dog's anatomical make up is water. A month without food will make the dog lose its fat and muscles. The dog can still live without protein or fat. But if he loses even a tenth of the water in his body, he surely will die.

Veterinarians suggest that for a grown up dog to survive, he needs a minimum of 2 milliliters of water every day per pound of weight. 2 milliliters is just like two fifths or 40% of a teaspoon of water. Therefore, if your dog weighs 10 pounds, he needs to drink at least 20 ml of water. Nevertheless, that is only the minimum. Bear in mind, that 2 ml is enough only for the dog to produce urine. Once he loses that precious 2 ml, his chances of living are minimal.

The key here is to give your pet dog an unlimited supply of water so that he can drink more than the least required 2 ml per pound. If you always give him a bowl full of fresh water, it will provide more than enough liquid for the dog's body. Some pet owners overlook this part though. They just let their pets find their way to a water source, which is completely wrong. Not only will this dehydrate the dog, this will also put him at risk in drinking contaminated water.

Adequate water provides the dog a handful of nutritional and health benefits. First, it helps in digesting and absorbing nutrients. It is also a catalyst for turning food into energy. It maintains the body temperature of the dog. And when taken regularly, it replaces the liquid lost during excretion or sweating. Water allows your pet to get rid of toxins in the cells. And since the dog's blood level is acidic, they need water to neutralize it.

Just as humans need sufficient amount of water to live, your pet dog also requires that same amount of liquid intake. Do not take this water nutrition issue lightly. Water has plenty of health benefits for your dog. Just make sure to give him fresh and clean water all the time.

Joseph M. Sabol is a world class Doberman breeder. Please go to http://petvitamins4u.com or to http://theroadhousedobes.com for further information.

By Joseph Sabol

The Key to a Well-Behaved Dog is to Become a Role Model Yourself

The Key to a Well-Behaved Dog is to Become a Role Model Yourself

Get some helpful information and tips on having a well behaved dog...
It has always amazed me how dogs are so closely related to their ancestors, the wolf, and still, to this day, display a natural instinct to live and participate within a family "pack".

Teamwork and partnerships are the natural order in which canines think. A good analogy to explain this better is to observe the way a sports team all works together to accomplish the same goal of winning. Your dog is the same way and looks at you and the rest of his family as part of his "team". He counts on everyone of you in the house to teach him how to behave, understand the rules, and above all, help him survive.

In order for your "family team" to be successful, everyone in the house, especially the dog, must adhere to specific rules, characteristics, and respect. Such examples would include discipline structure, a common way of behaving amongst everyone in the house, and most importantly, respect between your dog and its owners (you and the family). Without these things, there would be total chaos for your pet and he would not have a clue as to who was the leader and how he should behave.

Just like children, dogs and puppies need to be confident in whomever is in charge and giving them direction. Not only is this important for obedience and having a well-behaved dog in the house, but it also gives the animal a sense of belonging. In terms of who should be the "leader" of the pack, it really doesn't matter to your dog, he just needs to be secure that one of you is in charge, for a better sense of his own security.

You might be wondering "How will my dog know who is in charge since there are so many people in the house?"

This is an excellent question for those households with a lot of family members living inside. Amazingly enough, your dog will pick up on the natural order of things. Without being taught, your dog will come to understand the specific hierarchy amongst the family members. And what's more, should you (as the leader) are ever away from the house, your dog will still respect and obey the other members of the family in your absence, just as he would with you.

To keep your dog well-behaved, never slack on the rules

At this point it should be clear to you that all dogs must have order and respect in the house, between all members of the family, in order to keep them disciplined. Consider how poorly your children would behave if they had no parents as role models to keep them in check. Without someone enforcing the rules, which does happen often in some households, kids end up with an incredible amount of behavior issues.

The same can happen to your dog if he does not recognize the family as a team and is missing a sense of "who is in charge". And trust me, dogs whom are raised in this type of environment can grow up to have extremely negative obedience problems. The key is to have everyone in your family all agree on treating the dog the same way, between everyone in the household. This will ensure that your dog lives a life of happiness, security, and good behavior.

Daniel Waser is a dog lover since his childhood and currently owns two dogs. Visit his website for more information about dog health problems or get his free dog training tips.

By Daniel Waser

Dog Pregnancy Symptoms: How To Spot Them

Dog Pregnancy Symptoms: How To Spot Them

Dog pregnancy symptoms may vary in respect of breed. In this article you will read what are the general dog pregnancy symptoms common for every bitch. You will also find out how to take care of your dog if the pregnancy symptoms are positive and where to sell or give away for free your puppies with guarantee of its safety after.
Dog Pregnancy Symptoms: How To Spot Them
Dog's pregnancy lasts more or less 9 weeks. In details it takes from 56 to 72 days to see the puppies. You have really little time to spot the first symptoms and help your dog to have healthy and happy pregnancy. Be sure you know dog pregnancy symptoms well to sometimes do not overlook them. When your dog notice you understand completely his strange behavior which will fall well outside of his normal and every day habits you may be sure that he will do appreciate your helpful, tolerant and understanding attitude. You will see your bitch's gratefulness in her eyes every time you give her vitamins she needs to be kept healthy, every time you pass on her extra food and every time you give her an extra hug.

No matter if your bitch is small or big – these are the general symptoms of pregnancy common for every breed:

First 4 weeks

1)At the beginning of gestation main changes you will notice in your dog's behavior. Your bitch will be more sleepy, more calm and quiet, looking for more hugging, wanted to be much much more cuddled than usually.

2)Your bitch may have (but it is not obvious) so called morning sickness as well. But remember that it is only a name of this symptom and you may find her vomiting also in the evening.

3)Be also suspicious if you observe your bitch being more aggressive towards other dogs than normally.

4)Your bitch will also loss her appetite at this stage, but do not be worry, she will eat much more later on her pregnancy

5)From physical changes you may observe her nipples being bigger and the area under her nipples looking like buttons. Very often the nipples looking like this are called "button nipples".

After the 5th week
1)You will notice her belly swelling a little bit. Her belly will be for sure firm – not fat. Depending on quantity of puppies in the litter her belly will be swelling clearly for small dogs with many puppies and slightly only for big dogs if there is 1 or 2 puppies in the litter.
2) Regarding behavioral symptoms you will observe your dog being much more comfortable than usually.
3)From the 5th week your bitch will start eating more so do not be surprised when she will be asking you for extra food. If you see that your bitch wants more food do not be angry and surprised but check other pregnancy symptoms:)
4)In the result of increased appetite your dog will gain weight and you will see her fatter in a few weeks.

About 2 or 3 weeks before the labor
1)At this stage it is possible to feel the puppies movements. If you can feel your bitch's puppies moving inside her belly than there is no doubts that she is pregnant:)
2)You may spot lactation symptoms, but do not worry if your bitch do not have it at this stage. For some dogs lactation starts only after delivery.

Just before the labor
There are 2 sings that the delivery is coming:
1)Temperature of your bitch decreases significantly
2)You will see your dog extremely restless. Her full attention will focus on preparing the place where she is going to deliver her puppies

Does your dog indicate the pregnancy symptoms given in question above? If yes and you didn't plan this and you completely do not know what to do now - do not worry. There are a lot of books how to take care of the bitch during her pregnancy. The one I would truly recommend is Learn How To Breed Dogs For Profit. It is the only e-book where you will find how to look after your bitch when she is pregnant, how to help her during delivering and how to take care of her puppies these first days.

How To care for your new litter

and a whole bunch more.

No matter if you planed your dog pregnancy or not – this e-book is advisable for every "future mother or father". It is easy to use and easy to understand because of her everyday English language. You will find there incredibly handy knowledge.

With this e-book you will get even more information than you need – when you learn how to breed your pregnant dog then maybe one day – if not now – when you decide to make a profit by breeding you will have the whole knowledge just at your fingertips:)

When your puppies are finally born and you have no idea what to do with all of them you may sell them or give them away for free on this website: Sell Your Puppy. This is very credible place to find good parents for your little doggies and you may even make an extra profit there – if you of course want to sell your puppies..

By Aleksandra Zurakowska

Special Care Info For Pugs

Special Care Info For Pugs

Pug dogs have special care requirements. Tips on Pug dog care are provided.
In recent years, one of the most popular dog breeds has been the Pug. Prior to bringing a Pug dog home, you need to realize that it will require special care. Having been around for thousands of years, and gained acceptance in the AKC's Toy Group where it was first recognized in 1885. Pugs are very easy to distinguish with their thick little bodies, curly tail, flat and wrinkly faces. A Pug should be anywhere from 13 to 20 pounds and stand at a height of 10 to 14 inches. Although these dogs are cute in their own way, an owner has to be aware of special health concerns in this breed.

First, there is the dog's wrinkly skin. Unfortunately, the skin folds on a Pug are prone to infection. Contact your vet at the first sign of infection. Consistently scheduled baths to remove excess dirt from between the skin folds will help to prevent skin infections. Not bathing between the wrinkles can cause bacteria build up which could lead to infection.

If allowed, pugs will eat to excess. A Pug needs to have its' food carefully controlled so that they do not overeat. Being overweight can be detrimental to them in the same way that it can be for humans. Pugs do not tolerate heat well, so shade is very important to any Pug left outside. As with any living thing, they should never be left in a car during the summer. High temperatures can induce difficulty in breathing in Pugs, so you should not leave them exposed to high temperatures.

Another area for concern is the Pug's eyes. Due to the unusual shape and location on the face, the eyes are not protected properly. Regularly checking should alert you to any immediate inflammation in the eye. Any signs of inflammation is a signal to get your dog to the vet right away.

Going to the vet when needed and providing basic pet care are the best ways to keep your Pug in good health. For those that provide proper care for their pet, they can be rewarded with many years worth of happiness.

About the Author

An animal advocate, Debbie Foster owns http://petbedsunlimited.com where you'll find a wide selection of quality pet beds, dog crates, dog carriers, dog pens, cat beds, cat carriers, large dog beds, pet strollers and more.
By Debbie Foster


Healthy Dogs: Three Basics For Raising a Happy Dog

Healthy Dogs: Three Basics For Raising a Happy Dog

Taking care of a dog is a big but wonderfully rewarding endeavor. This article outlines the things dog owners should do every day to keep their dog healthy and happy.
Just as we have to follow a healthy lifestyle if we want to be physically fit, so to do our pets. Dogs require a combination of good food, exercise, and love and attention from their owners in order to live healthy lives. It doesn’t take a lot of money to give your puppy everything it needs to maintain a healthy mind and body. It just takes some care and attention by a loving owner.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle for your dog requires following some basic principles.

When It Comes To Food, Quality Not Quantity
To make sure your dog is healthy, take care in feeding him or her a high-quality, nutritious diet. Just as you need a nutritious diet that includes balance and natural ingredients, so does your pooch. Veterinarians recommend a dog’s diet be roughly 40% meat or protein, 50% vegetables and 10% carbohydrates. Look at the ingredients listed in your dog’s food and make sure that protein sources, such as lamb, chicken, or venison, are listed in the top five ingredients. Dogs also benefit from whole grain, low fat dog food. In this one area, spending a little more on a more nutritious brand of dog food really will provide long-term health benefits for your pet.

Regular Exercise
Making time for regular exercise is also a key component to a dog’s healthy lifestyle. Dogs do not have the ability to understand the positive benefits of exercise so it is up to you, the owner, to make sure your pet is in proper physical shape. If you are unsure about how much exercise is right for the age and breed of your dog, ask your veterinarian for their recommendation.

Walking your dog is the easiest way to keep it healthy. A 10 – 15 minute walk around a nearby park or your neighborhood can help a dog calm down before bedtime or be a great start to a day. Swimming is also a fun, easy way to get your dog out and active during the summer months. If your dog is social, consider taking them to a dog park for a game of fetch.

During exercise time, make sure you monitor your dog closely for any abnormal changes in breathing or gait. Make sure not too push your dog too hard too fast, and keep his or her exercise pattern as regular as possible. As you start or change your dog’s exercise routine, make sure to take note of any eating habit or sleeping pattern changes and notify your veterinarian.

Owner Care
Providing loving, regular attention to your pet is the easiest element to forget but often times is the most crucial to keeping your pet happy and healthy. Loneliness and aggression are common in dogs that have not received proper care and socialization. Dog experts have even found that a dog that has not been socialized in a caring, trustworthy environment by the time they reach sexual maturity may never have close, trusting relationships with people or other animals. As you walk your dog, throw a ball around together or simply curl up together on the couch, be assured that the time together is well-spent and necessary to your dog’s health.

The best way to make sure your dog is happy and healthy is to care for it as you do yourself. A nutritious diet, regular exercise and time and attention, coupled with regular veterinary visits, will keep your dog happy throughout its life.

The New Dog Bowl: Keep your dog healthy and at a healthy weight by using the DogPause Bowl to reduce your dogs overeating.
By Ben Anton

How Dog Training Can Help You Find the Perfect Family Dog

How Dog Training Can Help You Find the Perfect Family Dog

Are you looking for a dog for you and your family? Get helpful information how dog training can help you find the perfect dog for you and your family.
If you are considering getting a dog, or even if you already have a dog, it is important that you understand the necessity of training your dog properly. It is also important to begin dog training sooner rather than later. There is a lot of information available online. In fact, you will probably be quite surprised at the amount of free information available to help you better train your dog. Dog training schools can be quite expensive and, simply, not an option for every dog owner. Fortunately, you can train your dog on your own by doing enough research to gain the knowledge you need to successfully take on this job.

In fact, you may find this to be a great experience for both you and the dog and a good time to spend some quality time with the new addition to your family. The dog should respond to the teaching reasonably fast, after which you will be pleasantly surprised to see how happy your dog is when he does what you ask and receives praise in return. You will probably be amazed at how fast dogs can pick up new things when properly taught by you or a trainer. As you see, with just a little effort, finding the perfect dog for you and you family does not require a costly dog training school.

Dog owners are often astonished at the results of crate training which gives your dog a small space that allows them somewhere to go when they need to step away from everything. If you have not yet tried crate training, you should consider trying it. It really is a great way to train your dog and with results to please both you and your family. However, it is important with crate training that you understand the difference between a training crate and a cage. A crate is not an old cage that people dig out of their garage to put pets in occasionally.

Rather, this is a place where the dog can go when they need a nap or just need to get away. It is a place for them to "escape" to. They will quickly become accustomed to the crate and will know when it is time for them to make that escape. Trust me, you will be amazed at how quickly they start to understand this technique.

Crate training is one of the least expensive dog training methods. Ask around a little and you will probably find someone who can testify to the benefits of a dog training crate and even give you a few tips on using it to its fullest. And, if a dog training crate does not work for your little friend, do not worry. There are plenty of dog training methods, one of which will certainly work for you and your dog!

Daniel Waser is a dog lover since his childhood. He has a lot of experiences with dogs. Visit his website for more information about Dog Health Problems or get his latest Dog Training Tips.

By Daniel Waser


Tips to find correct toy for your dog

Tips to find correct toy for your dog

There are many toys out there that your dog will love but finding one that he/she won't destroy in a couple minutes may be tough. There are several things that you'll want to consider before you make those major purchases. We all know those ropes that our dogs love to tug on. Well, they were the first company to come out with them. I believe that they first designed them as a perch in a bird cage. Nonetheless, they have been a great asset for us to have when playing with our dogs.

One of the first obvious considerations is the size of your dog. Don't just buy anything cheap and small for them. Look for the quality pet toys products. Ropes come in all sizes and now even lots of different shapes. There are one knot with a handle, two knot, three knot and even larger ones. If I am buying ropes either to resell or for my own dog I look for quality. I want something that is going to hold up for a while. So always look for a name brand. I mean they started the whole rope toy thing and only manufacture quality pet care products. No matter what type of dog toy you are looking at for your pet, always go for quality - they will always last a lot longer and in the long run - will save you money and make your pet happier.

If your dog is a small dog then you can get them some dog supplies that are soft and easy to chew. That is unless your dog is the type to tear into everything. Then, something sturdier comes to mind. There are several manufacturers that make several toys for the small dog that like to chew. Once again, when you buy quality you get more and more uses out of the dog toy and you save money in the long run.

If you are looking for something to throw for your dog to retrieve or catch outside then the flying disc is the perfect toy for that. They are light weight and they float. Great for any dog outside activity.

So when you think about buying a new toy for your dog think about what your dog's needs and then think quality before you buy. Prioritize top notch quality for toys for your dog.

Another trick to help you choose the correct toy for your dog is to purchase the right toy from a pet store online. Often, quality pet care products can be found online but it may be difficult to hand touch the pet care supplies. Since this is the case, look to see if dimensions are listed or if the toy is meant for a small, medium, or large dog. The same of course applies to aquarium supply, pet bird supplies, cat supplies, and other online pet supplies.

Good luck finding the right dog toy for your special doggie.

Paws Up Pet Supply.com is an online leader in offering discount pet supplies to pet lovers everywhere. PawsUpPetSupply.com offers deep discounted prices on wholesale dog toys, pet bird supplies, cat supplies, small animal supplies, fish and aquarium supplies, wholesale pet products and pet grooming supplies.

By Jane Morris

How To Raise A Yorkie Rescue Dog

How To Raise A Yorkie Rescue Dog

There are some things to keep in mind when deciding to adopt a Yorkie rescue dog. Most Yorkie rescue dogs are male and ten pounds or more. Yorkies have been bred to do three things – be a companion, be a guard dog and to kill rodents. Your Yorkie rescue dog will become a benevolent dictator in your home.
It's an exciting time when your adopted Yorkshire Terrier comes to your home. Hopefully, you will have done a lot of homework and preparation before the big day. If you have received your Yorkie rescue dog from a Yorkie breed rescue group, then you have had a lot of help in finding out the Yorkshire terrier information you need to know in order to adjust. If not, there is still hope for you and your dog to get along together.

Before you bring a Yorkie rescue dog home, be sure you have a veterinarian. There are good veterinarian clinics in most major pet store chains. Find out if and where an emergency veterinarian care is in your area. Know how to get there before an emergency arises. You will also need a bed or crate or some other place that can be your Yorkie's safe haven. You will also need assorted brushes and combs for his coat. And you need a lot of money and patience.

Your Yorkie rescue dog might not match the photos of champion show Yorkies in dog breed books or websites. That doesn't mean your Yorkie is not a real Yorkie. Many Yorkshire Terriers fail to reach the stringent show standards. If your Yorkie is heavier than seven pounds and is not overweight, the chances are good that your dog will be a lot healthier than a three-pound teacup Yorkshire Terrier. Your dog also may be a different color, have floppy ears or have an overbite. But the dog still could be a purebred.

The most usual problem people have with Yorkie rescue dogs is with housebreaking issues. All toy dogs have small bladders and tend to have accidents from not being able to hold a lot of urine. However, many Yorkies have been successfully trained to use a litter box. Expect your dog to have an accident if they can't go out once every four hours in the daytime. Be sure you have cleaning materials and take anything really valuable off of the floor.

Expect your Yorkie rescue dog to be nervous for the first couple of weeks, until the realization sinks in that they will not be suddenly taken away. Then expect your Yorkie rescue dog to follow you around everywhere. They will sniff whatever you are doing. If you are folding the laundry, they will supervise very closely. They have to know what's going on at all times.

Expect your Yorkie rescue dog to put up a fuss when you are out of the home and can't bring the dog along. Yorkies do not like to be alone and go through what is called separation anxiety. However, this is a curable problem, as long as you are persistent and patient. Again, keep anything you can't risk being destroyed away from the dog's reach when you can't supervise. Keeping the dog in a crate when you are gone has often proved to calm dogs down.

Susan Bailey has researched life with Yorkie rescue dogs in two countries. Yorkshire Terrier rescue dogs make great pets, but very rarely are breed standard. Educate yourself about basic Yorkshire Terrier information before adopting a rescued Yorkie.

By Susan Bailey

Dog Illnesses Symptoms – Treating Sick Dog At Home

Dog Illnesses Symptoms – Treating Sick Dog At Home

Here you will find out everything about the common dog illnesses symptoms and remedies to them. You will learn how to heal your sick dog at home and you will discover that fetching the vet in most cases is completely unnecessary.
Dog Illnesses Symptoms – Treating Sick Dog At Home
It is very important to know the common dog illnesses symptoms for every dog owner who truly loves his pet and feel responsible for his life, health and good condition. If you know the symptoms of illnesses your dog may encounter in his life you may diagnose them correctly when they occur and help your dog in the right way and in time.

Dog Illnesses Symptoms, Dog Sickness Symptoms, Sick Dog Symptoms, Dog Health, Dog Sickness, Sick Dog, Treating Sick Dogs, Treating Dog Health, Dog Sickness Problems, Disease Symptoms, Diabetes Symptoms, Infection Symptoms, Dog Ears, Common Illnesses.

Your dog's behavior changes suddenly. Your are confused and terrified wondering if these are some illnesses symptoms or just normal things that dogs from time to time do. So you ask yourself a question: what to treat as a normal and natural behavior of your dog and what to treat as an illness symptom? How to find it out? Information about dog illnesses symptoms would be very useful here. It would let you effectively diagnose your sick or injured dog and help him in right way and in time.

I can imagine that at this stage you have no idea what to think and what to do when your dog gets for example irritating cough, when he starts vomiting or when he suffers from diarrhea. If the symptoms starts during a day you immediately fetch the vet or (if it is possible) you see him at his surgery. But when your dog gets illnesses symptoms during the night you are really terrified and scared. You have no idea what to do, how to react, how to help him and sometimes just don't know if it is something serious or just something mild and common what will gone naturally in a few hours. So you browse the websites on the net but you can't find anything useful and helpful.
You feel completely useless! I know this situation because I was there.

But I finally found an e-book titled Veterinary Secrets Revealed what I truly recommend you now. When you start using this e-book you will no longer confused and scared. You will not feel useless anymore. You will know what does it mean when your dog gets itchy skin and starts scratching himself or when he gets red, irritated eyes. You will know how to react when he starts shaking his head, when he becomes aggressive or even when he suddenly starts eating his stool. You will even know why he is doing all these things and how to stop them. A big and wonderful relief – believe me!

Every dog owner truly loves his pet and feels responsible for his health and good condition. That is why this e-book should be at his fingertips whenever he needs it – I mean whenever his dog needs it of course.

The e-book was written by the man who is a veterinary doctor and who has practiced veterinary medicine for a decade. He has treated literally thousands of pets for a whole variety of problems and that is why he realize how important is recognizing the right illness in time following only the symptoms and how precious and important are inexpensive natural ingredients and simple techniques in treating dogs' illnesses. That is why I found this e-book very credible and advisable.

Besides it is also very handy and useful. You will find there detailed and clear explanation of ALL DOG'S ILLNESSES SYMPTOMS and its TREATMENTS – over a thousand remedies to them. Everything is written in everyday English so there is NO medical jargon at all. There are also pictures of each health problems included and they are placed exactly above the description of the diseases symptoms. It makes it easy to select and follow the right treatment plan.

I truly recommend this e-book for every dog owner. With Veterinary Secrets Revealed you don't have to fetch a vet every time you notice a strange behavior of your dog. You will be able to recognize your dog illnesses symptoms on your own and you will be able to care for him at home. You will get to know how to treat your little friend's illnesses confidently and competently, using just simple techniques and inexpensive natural ingredients that really work great.

In other worlds – you will become a vet of your own dog. Your self-confidence will go up because you will know exactly how to diagnose your dog's ears infection, skin problems, fever symptoms, kidney failure symptoms, heart symptoms, diabetes disease symptoms, infection disease signs...and so on. So if your dog for example will be injured you will be able to give him the first aid and maybe even safe his life.

In my opinion if you are in charge of another life you have to know how to take care of this life, how to be helpful and useful in overcoming this life's health problems and how to heal it at home.
You do not need to fetch a vet every time your dog gets diarrhea:)

This is TRUE what it is said all over the world: the best child's doctor is his mother!
So start relying on yourself now and become your dog's mother!
This is the best what you can do for him.

Dog Illnesses Symptoms Be Ready To Help Your Dog Always In Time And Every Moment He Needs You.

By Aleksandra Zurakowska

Choosing a right dog – Tips and Things to Consider

Choosing a right dog – Tips and Things to Consider

As we see healthy and lovely dogs around, it really seemed so exciting and so much fun getting in-love to have one. It was really nice feelings to have a loyal companion and friend that’s always there to cheer you up. But before you decide what kind of dog want to be with, it is always better to be well-prepared and make best decisions to ensure a good quality of life for you and your pet. There are thousands and millions of dogs suffering and being euthanize around and it is really hearth-breaking, so instead of becoming part of a problem, let us be a part of solution. Be responsible enough and equip ourselves with good information and education. A dog is a part of the family for a dozen or more years; the commitment to feed, shelter, and nurture a family friend for that amount of time should be based on rigorous analysis of an appropriate breed for the family circumstances.

Here are some points to consider when choosing a dog that's perfect for you. First is the size, a large dog is not suitable for an apartment, for elderly owners, or for mild-mannered women because of their strength and incredible energy and exercise need. Large, agile dogs adapt well to apartment or condo living as long as they get a daily walk, and some are gentle enough that anyone with a firm voice and manner can easily handle them, they are good for house with children. Small dogs may be unsuitable for families with active children or elderly or infirm relatives who could trip over a small, bouncy critter. Some dogs are lethargic and others are very energetic and needs enough exercise a day to let these energy settle down.

Those who fail to give enough exercise for very energetic dog, dogs tend to bored and divert it on unnecessary behavior like being too destructive, aggressive and many other behavior problems. Active families would be happier with a pet that can jog, hike, and play ball, and more sedate folks would most likely prefer a quieter animal. Basset Hounds, Dachshunds, and Corgis are not jogging companions, and Airedales, German Shepherds, and Border Collies are not typical couch potatoes, they love to walking and usually likes to perform agilities around. All dogs need some exercise to stay healthy. Most adult dogs will not exercise themselves, so time for walks and other activities is important. Some breeds are fairly easy to train, and some are quite difficult.

If you lack time and patience to deal with a dog that is difficult to train, then an older dog from a rescue service may fit your bill as well as a pup of a breed that is traditionally easier to train. Intelligence is not necessarily an indicator of train ability; smart dogs often have their own agenda and require firmness of purpose on the part of their owners. Smart dogs bored easily, specially on activities that are repeated, have some different routines and activities to do, or a higher level of training like on agility training class where they can show what really they got. As a rule, terriers, hounds, and northern dogs are tough to train because of their intelligence and independent natures, and sporting and herding dogs are easier to train. The sharpest-working obedience breeds are Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, Border Collies, German Shepherds, and Shetland Sheepdogs, breeds that developed to closely with humans.

Dog barks, they range from a lovely small bark of a puppy into annoying barks that are so embarrasing and might turn into hating neighborhood, too much barking can lead to noise laws or even pet limit laws. Terriers and scent hounds use their voices to broadcast their progress in chasing prey animals. Shelties and Collies bark to tell the sheep to git back to the barn. Canaan Dogs bark to alert their families to potential intruders. Barking dogs do not endear owners to their neighbors in apartments, condominiums, and close-knit suburbs. Dogs bark if they are too bored so ensure you have enough time and ability to train, walk and have playtime with your pet. There are some special collars available to deter barking dogs and some training methods that can help in some cases, but if potential owners take the noise factor into consideration, problems are more likely to be minimized.

Owner's capabilities and commitment always have a dog with good behavior and temperament. Breed and group temperament can be described, but there is latitude within that description for individuality. Thus Akitas are declared to be tough animals, loyal, aloof, dominant, aggressive to other animals, and often challenging. However, many Akitas are sweet and cuddly, love small critters, will climb in laps if allowed, and are anything but aloof and dominant. Terriers are scrappy, yappy, tough, and independent, but Airedale Terriers bond very closely to their humans and are somewhat protective. Hounds follow their eyes or noses and are often oblivious to human presence, but Dachshunds bond closely with their families and Greyhounds and Whippets are sweet, gentle pets.

Meticulous housekeepers and folks with little or no time for grooming will be happier with dogs that don't accessorize the living room with dog-hair dust bunnies a couple of times a year. Double-coated dogs may also have longer, stiffer guard hairs that can penetrate bare feet like splinters. Long-coated and double-coated dogs shed, shed, and shed some more, leaving tufts of hair to float about the house and land everywhere. Dogs with oily outer coats can develop a doggy odor that can be unpleasant, dogs with heavy coats may suffer in southern climes, and dogs with short coats may shiver in the north.

Brushing is needed to remove the dead hair from wire-coated terriers, poodles, and poodle relatives, and professional grooming is necessary to maintain texture and color in wire haired terriers. These breeds are generally better than heavily shedding breeds for owners with allergies. Your environment, dogs can be destructive to gardens, lawns, and landscape plantings. Common problems such as urinating on lawns or shrubs, roll in flowers, chomp on vegetables and branches, dig holes, and generally cause havoc unless they are restrained from doing so. Sturdy fences will keep dogs from entering gardens if they are tall enough so dog owners use underground radio fences or wireless fences.

On health, have good knowledge on what to feed for your dog. Ask or look for some comments or testimonials about certain dog food before giving it to your dog. Dogs in the wild naturally eat raw food, it was natural, healthy and cheap so consider them, ask your vet about it. A good vet will say about dog raw food, if they always recommend those process food then look for a new vet that could suggest. Although purebred dogs are sometimes denigrated as harboring all sorts of genetic abnormalities and mixed breed dogs are sometimes claimed to be healthier than their purebred cousins, the truth is that all dog have the same range of health problems.

Some of these problems are genetic, some result from exposure to disease or parasites, and some are the result of non-inherited birth defects or injuries. Joint problems, including hip and elbow dysplasia and loose kneecaps; eye problems; cancers; skin diseases; heart and other organ diseases; and more affect canines of every size and background. Some dogs have additional problems caused by short muzzles, long backs, giant or diminutive size, or other physical features. When you finally decide on what kind of breed, research everything about this breed. Make sure you get the dog on the right place, visit first rescue or shelter house where then can study if the dog will be perfect for your lifestyle. Also make sure you are getting the dog on true responsible breeder, they should have all the papers and required shots, etc.

By Hannah Serrano


How to Train Your Puppy to Respond to His Name

Teaching your puppy to know and respond to his name is the first step in training him to be a well mannered, well behaved dog.
After you have set a name for your new puppy, teach him to associate it with himself. The goal here is for the dog to know that you will use that name to get his attention. Whatever he is doing, he could be playing or sitting in a corner, but once you call him by that name, he should turn and run towards you.

Teaching your pet puppy to respond accordingly to his name is, in fact, basic in training your dogs with such commands as stay, sit, come, or roll. You will not be able to train your puppy successfully with these if he is not focusing on you. This is exactly why calling or commanding your dogs by their names is important.

In every thing that you want your puppy to do, start the command by his name. Whether it is a call for eating time, or for bathing time, call him by his name. This way you are teaching the puppy to be familiar with the sound of his name. In addition, he also learns to associate his name with a command. After he gets used to this habit, he will run to you every time you call him by his name.

Using rewards is helpful if you want to train your dog effectively in responding to his name. But aside from rewards, you must make sure that you associate his name with good and pleasurable things. Never get his attention with his name to remind him that he chewed your sandals. Situations like this register a bad notion in the dog's mind, believing that every call of his name is a time for being told "back off". Also, do not spank or punish your dog if he does not respond to you right away. It is a step-by-step process, so be patient in teaching your dog to react to his name.

Again, rewards are helpful so always keep treats handy. Since puppies often get distracted by other objects, it is okay to use a leash during your training. This way, you have full control of your puppy and he cannot wander off.

It will also help if you call his name in a happy and relaxed tone. A loud and angry voice may sound threatening to him. Say it joyfully and praise him with words, such as "good boy" or "nice puppy". Training your dog to respond to his name the right way takes time, just be consistent and persistent. Remember to say his name in a happy and gentle manner, reward him for every successful response, and associate his name with happy situations only.

Joseph M. Sabol is a world class Doberman breeder. Please go to http://petvitamins4u.com or to http://theroadhousedobes.com for further information.
By Joseph Sabol

What To Look For In An English Bulldog Rescue Center

What To Look For In An English Bulldog Rescue Center

The Bulldog's newfound fame is sadly leading to impulse buying that leads to abandoned Bulldogs. A reputable English Bulldog rescue will never ship their dogs. Prepare to pay a few hundred dollars in adoption fees.
The reasons for the breeding of English Bulldogs are steeped in controversy. This is a breed that is a far cry physically from a few hundred years ago. The dog is now entirely dependent on people in order to survive and is notorious for health problems. But they also have amazing personalities. No matter what you feel about the breeding of these strange but charming canines, the fact remains is that there are thousands that are abandoned every year, mostly through no fault of their own.

If you have the money and the time, the Bulldog has the love and friendship. That is one reason why dog lovers should consider adopting an English Bulldog rather than some other more boisterous breeds (like the Border Collie or Boxer). There have been several scams regarding Bulldogs on the Internet in recent years. How can you tell a real English Bulldog rescue group's website from a scammers?
The marks of a scam English Bulldog rescue website or online classified ad are distinctive. There are usually a lot of misspellings, bad grammar and ALL WORDS IN CAPITALS LIKE THIS. They will also offer to ship their dogs anywhere in the country, state or the world. No reputable dog rescue will ship their animals. They may drive the dog to your home, but will not ship.

A good English Bulldog rescue website will have far more content about Bulldog information on it than about the dogs they have for adoption. They will also have a long form for you to fill out and no guarantee of getting a dog for you. They will have the last word as to what dog you get – not what dog you can afford. A good dog rescue website never feels like a web catalogue. The adoption process should take a long time and involve a lot of interviews and paperwork.

Expect a good English Bulldog rescue to put you on a waiting list, make you fill out more forms, go to interviews and give your home a pet proofing inspection. They may even ask you for character references. This means the adoption process can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few years. They want to match your expectations of a good pet to what dogs they have.

Although it might seem frustrating to wait, it will be worth your time and effort to be patient for the right dog. There's no sense adopting a Bulldog just to have to give him back in a couple of months. Both you and a good English Bulldog rescue group will want you to find a forever friend. They also should be able to know a lot about the dog's personality and health after living with him, so you won't be in for any nasty surprises.

Bobby Callahan is devoted to all animals, including Bulldogs and supports numerous animal shelters, including an English Bulldog rescue center. Many Bulldog rescue centers are made up of a network of caring breeders. Consider the source of any Bulldog information you find on the web.
By Bobby Callahan

The Loving Boxer Puppy

The Loving Boxer Puppy

Many people want to have a pet and they usually go with the pet when it is only a baby. The same holds true for any boxer dog. You can find these puppies at a local pet store and a trustworthy breeder. You may be able to find one through backyard breeders, too. If you want to know the kind of boxer you are getting is genuine, then your best bet is to find a highly known and quite knowledge breeder. They have the homework down when it comes to the different boxer pedigrees and all their loving and not so loving traits. Boxer dogs are quite popular to own. For that reason, there are many people getting into the breeding process who lack the necessary knowledge. These people have no inkling the dangers of insufficient knowledge as on the breeding process.

For this reason, stick with those who know about the boxer breed. They can tell you all about the problems of the puppies and can help you through any of the situations that may crop up. The Kennel Club has plenty of boxer puppy breeders; but not all of them are trustworthy. The chances of you getting a non-reputable dealer though are slim; however, the possibility is still there. If you choose to deal with a pet store or backyard breeder, you will get no guarantees about the puppy’s health.

In the beginning, puppies are like babies. They don’t do much else except for eat, sleep and maybe play. After a puppy turns three weeks old, they become a bit more active. Did you know that the boxer is popular because of their affectionate nature? While this may be, they still need a consistent obedience training that will enhance these wonderful qualities and turn it into a dog that is outwardly gracious and quite respectful. It is wise to introduce the obedience concept when your boxer is still a puppy.

Boxer can easily follow the commands "sit" and "come" especially when you begin teaching when he/she is still a pup. Those lessons you are teaching it will help you further along in forming an attachment with your canine friend. It is also good for discipline because of those familiarities. If you can, do not confuse your animal by saying one thing but doing something completely different. Be sure to use the same rules and guidelines for each thing training exercise…whether it is good or bad. Like a young child, punishment should be immediate, not five minutes later when they are bound to have forgotten the mistake.

You don’t always have to formally train for them to remember the fun times you both have together. However, you should spend time with them outside of training times too. Do not forget that your boxer is still a puppy and he is bound to forget the "rules" especially when it comes to obeying a master’s command. You shouldn’t resort to punishments. Instead when your canine pet remembers and follows the command, give him/her praise or reward them with treats. Using insensitive methods makes any situation uncomfortable for your pet. By doing this, he/she can distance him/herself away from you. As you boxer matures, add time to trainings.

Canines have a natural response mechanism that makes them follow the leader. If you want your boxer to listen to you, then you need to take over this leadership role. In no time, the puppy you love with follow you anywhere you wish it to go. Be sure to stay tolerant of your puppy friend. He is still growing and learning. It is imperative for boxer owners to inspire a sense of assurance that resonate through the boxer’s demeanor. Never do a long explanation when you are giving commands…short and simple. Plus, try to use the same tone of voice each time.

Want to know more about how you can keep your boxer puppy healthy and happy? If so take a look at my boxer puppy site to get a copy of my FREE report that reveals how! (click the blue link) www.boxerdogessentials.com/blog

Who Can Help You In Looking For Golden Retriever Homes

Who Can Help You In Looking For Golden Retriever Homes

When your problem is that you have to look for a home for newborn Golden Retrievers; the best solution is to place them in a Golden Retriever rescue centre. An excellent Golden Retriever rescue centre takes care of everything. They will give your puppies the basic obedience training, house breaking, medical attention and home placement.
Americans are inherently dog lovers. Most families own Golden Retrievers because they are sociable, obedient and patient. Golden Retrievers are also good with children and work well with other dog breeds, which are why they make excellent family dogs.

Unfortunately there comes a time when pets can become an inconvenience. There are a number of scenarios that prompts pet owners to give their dogs away to other people or rescue centers. Giving up your dog does not mean you have stopped loving them or that you don’t care for them, which is why pet owners are very concerned where they place their dogs.

There are Golden Retriever rescue centres. These rescue centres cater to a specific type of breed to be able to fully address the needs of specific breeds. Specific breeds have specific needs, so it is important to find one that focuses on one breed to be sure that the dogs are taken care of. Looking for a breed targeted rescue centre is good, in this case a Golden Retriever rescue centre. This is because you will be sure that the staff will be need focused. A rescue centre concentrated on a certain breed will also have an extensive knowledge of the breed's history, temperament, health, usage and care.

A good centre accepts young pups and newborn pups. You might want to see the type of care they provide for their current in house dogs. They must provide basic obedience training, house breaking, crate training, adequate food and proper health care. If the centre will place your puppies in a foster home ask if you can have the option of interviewing the foster owners.

Interview previous clients and get to know the rescue centre’s staff, as this will give you a sort of idea on how they operate and the general environment. You just want to ensure that your pet will be cared for properly. Do not focus or limit your self to one Golden Retriever rescue centre. Although it may be difficult on your part to still keep the puppies, a lot at least one week to survey your options and look for the right rescue centre.

If you want your puppies to have the best attention possible focused on rescue centres that accept puppies only. This may up your chance of immediately finding good homes for your puppies. Take your time and do a background search on the centres reputation. It is important that you stand for the same things. Be aware that there are many puppy mills disguised as rescue centers.

There are also rescue centers that are not exactly pet friendly and merely want the donations, so they disguise themselves as good Samaritans. The future of the puppies depends on your shoulders. As much as you are thinking of you time, space and need, think also that the puppies will be loved and taken care of as much as you have cared for your dog.

Carol Matthews is an avid fan of the Golden Retriever breed of dogs. The issue of Golden Retriever rescue is one that is very much a cause for concern. It is important that we take time in looking over the ghastly situations an abandoned dog has to endure. In writing this article, the author aims to provide owners Golden Retriever information on rescue centres.
By Carol Matthews Published: 8/25/2008